Bolton Sports Federation
Over 35 Veterans' Football League

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Minutes of BSF Over 35s Football League meeting  -  1st September2017
held at Bolton Cricket Club

In Attendance - N.Smith, J. Riley, A.Amhed, K.Stephens, P.Ashton, and delegates of each team.

N.Smith: Did rollcall, and read minutes of August 2017 meeting, and signed as true copy,

A.Amhed: Told all teams that he needed all player registration forms to be with him before teams play, also players id could be sent via email, but reminded teams to put a team name on their list of players.

Some teams still owing money and may not be allowed to play until money owing is settled.

J.Riley: Handed out match cards, and told teams that results should be phoned or texted by no later than 7pm Sundays and that teams will be fined, for cancelling games without notice and good reason.

K.Stephens: All games covered by referees, all match cards to be filled in, each team to mark the refs score, and the ref marks for each team for sportsmanship. Some teams and refs are filling these out themselves. They need to be done correctly.

We have also have a couple of new referees on board, so things are looking good.

Next Meeting:  Friday 6th October 2017 -7.15pm prompt.