Bolton Sports Federation
Over 35 Veterans' Football League

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Minutes of BSF Over 35s Football League meeting  -  1st December 2017
held at Bolton Cricket Club


In Attendance:  N.Smith, John.Riley, A.Amhed, K.Stephens and delegates from each team.

N.Smith:  Reading and signing of November minutes as a true copy

J.Riley:  Games must be played unless game has been postponed and John Riley been notified 2 weeks in advance, and must be a good reason, if not teams will be docked 4 points and fined £50.

A.Amhed:  Any team wishing to transfer any players from any team, even if they have folded, must either email or text Amir Amhed by Friday night to be available for Sunday and all teams to make sure they have registered all players eligable to play.

A list of fines owed for non-attendance of meetings will be put on website in January.

K.Stephens:  make sure you contact your referee by Friday night to let them know that the game is on or not.

The committee would like to wish you all the best for Christmas and New Year.

Next Meeting Friday 5th January 2018 at Bolton Cricket Club.