Bolton Sports Federation
Over 35 Veterans' Football League

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Minutes of BSF Over 35s Football League meeting  -  7th December 2018
held at Bolton Cricket Club


In Attendance - N.Smith, J.Riley, A.Ahmed, K.Stephens and delegates from each team.

N.Smith. - Rollcall

N.Smith - Reading of November 2018 minutes and signed as a true copy.

J.Riley - Teams need to let john know if your game is on or off, also make sure that your match cards are filled in and given to the referee to send in.

K.Stephens - Please let your referee know asap if your game is on or off.

N.Smith - As per rule 13, games cannot be cancelled for charity games etc. Only games that can be postponed are for county cup games.

A.Ahmed - Registrations need to be updated and teams need to send in photo ids. All monies are in, only money owing is for fines and transfers.

N.Smith - Cup draws will be done in January meeting. Wished all teams all the best for Christmas and New Year.

Next Meeting Friday 4th January 2019 at Bolton Cricket Club.