Bolton Sports Federation
Over 35 Veterans' Football League

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Minutes of BSF Over 35s Football League meeting  -  1st November 2019
held at Bolton Cricket Club

In Attendance: - N.Smith, S.Stott, A.Amhed, J. Riley, K. Stephens and delegates from each team.

N.Smith: - Roll Call

J.Riley: - Dec 22nd and 29th  could be used for catch up games. Let me know if you arrange any games on these dates. Teams need to give 2 weeks notice to cancel a game. They will be docked 4 points and fined £50 if they do not play a fixture without permission from the league.


N.Smith: Due to no cup draws being needed, we have decided that there will be no need to have a meeting in December.

The Committee would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Next Meeting - Friday 3rd January 2020