Bolton Sports Federation
Over 35 Veterans' Football League

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Minutes of BSF Over 35s Football League meeting  -  3rd September 2021
held at Bolton Cricket Club

In Attendance - N.Smith, A.Ahmed, K.Stephens and delegates of each team.

 Neil Smith - Rollcall - Reading of August 2021 Minutes and signed as true copy.

Apologies from John Riley and Simon Stott.

 Aamar Ahmed -collected all fees, player registration forms and USB sticks with players photo id.

Aamar reminded all teams that all players must be registered on the WGS before start of season, along with all fees paid in full, and photo id put on a USB stick. Any teams struggling with player registrations, can contact Aamar for help.

Neil Smith - handed out handbooks and match cards to each team and reminded them to ring in results, including goal scorers, before 7pm of the date of game.

 Kevan Stephens. - Every League is struggling for referees, so if you know of any ex-players twho would be interested, let me know. We are down to a bare minimum for the next couple of weeks due to holidays, illness, and injury, so trying to get a couple of new referees. All teams must make sure that all match cards are filled in correctly. It was recommended that teams take a photo of completed match card and sent to John Riley when ringing in the results.

Next Meeting is on Friday 1st November 2021, 7pm at Bolton Cricket Club.