Bolton Sports Federation
Over 35 Veterans' Football League

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Minutes of BSF Over 35s Football League meeting  -  4th November 2022
held at Bolton Cricket Club

In Attendance:- N.Smith, J.Riley,A.Ahmed, K.Stephens and delegates from each team.

N.Smith: - Roll Call and signing of October 2022 minutes, as a true copy.

J.Riley:- Teams have been calling games of at short notice and not giving 2 weeks notice. Five teams have been fined £50 each, but in future, teams calling games off at short notice may also be deducted points.

A.Ahmed:- Registrations.- You cannot take players off your lists of registered players, so remember that you will have to pay 5 pound for every player over the allowed 25 players.

K.Stephens:- Teams need to let me and John know if your game gets cancelled, or swapped to a different venue, so I can let the referee know, or put him on another game. Can teams make sure that you contact the referee to confirm the games on or off, before Saturday.

N.Smith:- We have decided that there will be no meeting in December or January, so

Next Meeting is on Friday 3rd February 2023 at Bolton Cricket Club