Bolton Sports Federation
Over 35 Veterans' Football League

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Minutes of BSF Over 35s Football League meeting  -  3rd November 2023
held at Bolton Cricket Club

In Attendance: - Neil Smith, Aamar Ahmed, John Riley and members from each team.

Neil Smith:- Roll Call, Reading of October 2023 Minutes, signed as a true copy,

Matters Arising:- None.

John Riley:- Any games called off, I need to know, also county cup games, need to know fixtures and results, also make sure you phone results in and ring me if your game is postponed.

Aamar Ahmed:- Extra money received from dissolution of B.S.F. Idea is to get match balls for each team. Transfers, remember the procedure.

 Dec and Jan meetings cancelled.

Next Meeting is Friday 2nd February 2024 at Bolton Cricket Club.