Bolton Over 35 Veterans Football League

NB - Players once registered can not have their registration cancelled. Only transfers to other teams in our league are allowed.

Points Deduction  -  Click here for details  (16/08/2023)

Safeguarding Requirements In Adult Football  (message from LFA 03/02/2023)

Reminder to all teams
Teams cancelling matches with less than 14 days notice will be fined and have points deducted as per Rule 14.

The following is an extract from the Minutes of the June 2022 Committee Meeting:

"teams voted to enforce the existing rule to fine teams for cancelling games without proper notice as some teams cancelled games for petty reasons at short notice."

SIN BINS - Letter from the LFA  -  Click for letter
Link to LFA site  -

This index provides links to the information pages in this site

2001-2 League Tables 2008-9 League Tables League Tables 2015-16 Outstanding / re-arranged Clubs 2023-24
2002-3 League Tables 2009-10 League Tables League Tables 2016-17 League Rules & Constitution Fixtures/Results 2023-24
 2003-4 League Tables 2010-11 League Tables League Tables 2017-18 Dates League Tables 2023-24
2004-5 League Tables League Tables 2011-12 League Tables 2018-19 Past Honours  -  from 1994/5
(league, cup & individual winners)
This week's Report
2005-6 League Tables League Tables 2012-13 League Tables 2020-21 Referees
2006-7 League Tables League Tables 2013-14 League Tables 2021-22  
2007-8 League Tables League Tables 2014-15 League Tables 2022-23 Application Form
Minutes of Meetings


Match Cards may be downloaded for here (click link)

Over 35 Veterans' Football League Officials - 2023/24
Chairman:  NEIL SMITH   Email: Vice- Chairman:  Vacant
Match Secretary and Press Officer :  JOHN RILEY  assisted by Dylan and Evan Hilton
Mob: 07946 449040
- Email:
Referees' Secretary:  MATT DEANE Mob. 07784 034266  assisted by  DAVE HODGKISS (07494-862619) Player Registration Secretary:  AAMAR AHMED
Mob: 07976 365317   -  Email:
General Secretary:  KEIRAN MATHER
Mob: 07720 773012  -  Email:
Treasurer:  AAMAR AHMED
Tel: 01204 658478 - Mob: 07
976 365317
Website Manager:  MICHAEL McHENRY  (Mob. 07359-146802)  E-mail =

Committee Members:
One representative from each team.

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